Amidst the celebrations, the holiday season can be a cold place for many. Set in the cold...
“Three and a half years in jail or twenty at the bank.” From the moment we are...
Can the stock market save the world? Directed by Craig Gillespie, DUMB MONEY tells the story of...
Set in North Carolina, Silver Dollar Road gives voice to the Reels Family. Having lived near Silver Dollar Road...
The purpose of any court cases to uncover the truth. But, is that even really possible? This...
High school bites. Directed by Ariane Louise-Seize, Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person tells the story of Sasha (Sara...
Before it even started, the TIFF representative almost began to cry while introducing this film. That was certainly...
When your career is coming to a close, how does one know if they’ve left a mark...
Pedro Almodóvar’s short film, Strange Way of Life, opens with an establishing shot of a man riding his horse...
Who knew that financial movies about the world finance would become so hot? After the success of...