Written and directed by Alexander Payne (Sideways, Nebraska), downsizing takes us into the near future when a...
Written and directed by Greta Gerwig, Lady Bird is a coming-of-age drama that tells the story of...
Directed by Darren Aronofsky, mother! brings us into the heart of the fractured marriage of Mother (Jennifer...
Guillermo Del Toro’s latest creation is garnering awards momentum with each passing week. While a romance film...
The Disaster Artist tells the story of Greg Sistero (Dave Franco), an aspiring actor who dreams of...
When director Darren Aronofsky releases a film, it’s often bound to court controversy. ?Blending an environmental message...
Directed by Sean Baker, The Florida Project tells the story of 6-year-old Moonie (Brooklynn Prince) and her...
This week, Steve welcomes back ScreenFish’rs Shelley McVea and Darrel Manson to talk about THE FLORIDA PROJECT....
Directed by Sean Baker (Tangerine), The Florida Project tells the story of Halley (Bria Vinette), a young...
In the Season 4 premiere of ScreenFish Radio, Steve welcomes ScreenFish’rs Julie and Paul Levac to step...