Starring Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe, The Lighthousevfollows the journey of Winslow (Pattinson) and Wake (Dafoe), two lighthouse...
TIFF is known for the film’s… but it’s really about business. And today, the news begins! Saban...
BBased on Savannah Knoop’s memoir, Girl Boy Girl: How I Became JT LeRoy, JT Leroytells the true story...
Directed by Anthony Maras, Hotel Mumbai?is based on the real-life terrorist attacks that took place in India...
?Every black person born in America was born on Beale Street, born in the black neighborhood of...
A Star is Born tells the story of veteran musician Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) who, stumbling into...
Written and directed by Jason Reitman, The Front Runner?follows the story of Gary Hart (Hugh Jackman), former...
Directed by Oscar-winner Damien Chazelle (La La Land), First Man?tells the story of one of the most...
Destroyer?tells the story of Detective Erin Bell (Nicole Kidman), an LAPD officer who, in her youth, went...
Ben is Back tells the story of Ben Burns (Lucas Hedges), a nineteen-year-old drug addict who unexpectedly...