Written and directed by Edward Norton, Motherless Brooklyn tells the story of Lionel Essrog (Norton), a Brooklyn detective in...
In her directorial debut, Sofia Banzhaf (Black Conflux, Splinters) introduces us to a young and unnamed female...
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood introduces the iconic figure through the eyes of Lloyd Vogel, an investigative...
Starring Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu, Hustlers gives the audience an inside look at highs and lows of...
Marriage Story examines the fallout of Charlie (Adam Driver) and Nicole?s (Scarlett Johansson) failed marriage as they begin...
Dear Cameron, First of all, congratulations on another successful festival! I can?t even imagine how much work...
Based on true events, Just Mercy tells the story of Walter ?Johnny D? McMillian (Jamie Foxx), a...
Written and directed by Atom Egoyan,?Guest of Honour is an ambitious, thought-provoking and, at times, muddled exploration...
Based on the Esquire article of the same name, The Friend recounts the real-life journey of Matthew Teague...
Starring Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu, Hustlersgives the audience an inside look at highs and lows of the...