Directed by Angelina Jolie, Without Blood is a potent exploration of the lasting scars left by war...
Storytelling is a lightning rod for controversy. Within the stories we tell, there is always a storyteller...
This is Henry Golding like you’ve never seen him. In Nacho Vigalondo’s second TIFF feature (Colossal, TIFF...
I am not gonna lie. I hate musicals. The only two that I have ever enjoyed was...
Directed by Ali Weinstein, Your Tomorrow takes pause to celebrate the land that once was Ontario Place. Opening in...
In 2019, on the heels of heavy discussion surrounding black life in Canada, George Floyd, and the...
God I wanted to like this movie. Ed Harris, Lewis Pullman and Bill Murray? Gabriel Union? I...
In a small town in Japan, Takuya is shy young boy clearly unfascinated with the sports that...
Tumpal Tampubolon’s Crocodile Tears is a gripping exploration of control, manipulation, and the complex dynamics of authoritarian parenting. Set...
Babygirl tells the story of Romy (Nicole Kidman), a high-powered CEO that runs her coporation with authority and...