Written and directed by Trey Edward Stutts, Waves is a stunning journey into the heart of a family in...
Focusing on the life of television legend Fred Rogers, A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD is a...
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood introduces the iconic figure through the eyes of Lloyd Vogel, an investigative...
Based on the true story, Ford v. Ferrari takes us back to the year 1966 when the Ford Motor...
This week, Paul and Julie Levac gather to take on JOJO RABBIT, a film which allows director...
Harriet Tubman was an incredible woman and remains an important part of our history. Born Araminta “Minty”...
Directed and adapted for the screen by Edward Norton,?Motherless Brooklyn?tells the story of Lionel Essrog (Norton), a...
Directed by Edward Norton,?Motherless Brooklyn?tells the story of Lionel Essrog (Norton), a Brooklyn detective in post-war New...
Starring Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe, The Lighthouse follows the journey of Winslow (Pattinson) and Wake (Dafoe), two...
Starring Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe,?The Lighthouse?follows the journey of Winslow (Pattinson) and Wake (Dafoe), two lighthouse...