Directed by Andy Brown and Brian Lindstrom, Lost Angel: The Genius of Judee Sill is a powerful story of...
Directed by C.B. Stockfleth,?The Elephant 6 Recording Co. is a fascinating documentary that explores the creative explosion...
Why is there still genocide? Supposedly the nations of the world have said ?Never again.? And yet,...
In THE BANSHEES OF INISHERIN, Padraic (Colin Farrell) is thrown when his dear friend Colm (Brendan Gleeson)...
Directed by Sascha Just,?Ellis?is a loving portrait of one of jazz music?s most towering figures. Having lived...
It was never going to be an easy task. After death after the tragic death of Chadwick...
?Honk For Jesus, Save Your Soul? is a 1 hour 43 minute movie. It took my wife...
?Let?s go get . . . rich from that dying old bitch.? Avarice is the driving force...
Missing tells the story of Santoshi (Jiro Sato), a husband and father who has been struggling emotionally and...
Even after decades in the industry, ‘Weird’ Al Yankovic still has some tricks up his sleeve. Directed...