Growing up is hard to do, especially as an adult. Directed by Karen Knox, Adult Adoption tells the story...
It’s 2023! As we step into a new year, that means looking back on the year that...
Hell hath no fury like a Mouse scorned? Written and directed by Avan Jogia, Door Mouse tells the story...
The time has come to share my favorites of the last year. Things are still struggling to...
We?ve heard a lot of tales of male toxicity and abuse in Hollywood over the past few...
Shaunak Sen?s All That Breathes, winner of the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance for World Cinema Documentary...
Hopefully you already saw my list of the best movies from 2022 that didn’t make my top...
More often than not, films from other countries make an impact, they can suffer from attempting to...
Would you like to play a game? Directed by Scooter Corkie, The Friendship Game tells the story of Cotton...
?Happiness is a problem.? The self-help industry revolves around selling books or programs that will make you...