Infinite Sea – Left Behind

“We’re stuck in a limbo…, broken in half.” In Carlos Amaral’s Infinite Sea, we find ourselves in a mildly post-apocalyptic world. More specifically, we find ourselves left behind. If I were someone who thought of an eschatological Rapture, I’m sure that this film would have some interesting concepts. The film takes place in a city…

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Human Rights Watch Fest ’23: Koromousso, Big Sister 

In Koromousso, Big Sister, co-directors, Habibata Ouarme and Jim Donovan, give us a peek into the journeys of three women who have undergone Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and are reclaiming their autonomy through reconstructive surgery. Ouarme is featured in the film, acting as the Big Sister (Koromousso) to these women, having had her own reconstructive surgery…

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