In the continuation of HBO’s hit television show,?Entourage The Movie?follows Vince Chase (Adrian Grenier) and his three...
In 2011, before?Silver Linings Playbook,?American Hustle, and?American Sniper, Bradley Cooper starred with Robert De Niro in a...
“You don’t have to do this.” “I know… but we both know I’m going to.” Directed...
The first time I saw the trailer for 2015’s?Cinderella, I wondered what else could make the story...
[The team for Beast (L to R): Chad McKinney, Tom McKeith, Sam McKeith Garrett Dillahunt] Starring newcomer...
Britt Marling and Hailee Steinfeld are sisters in this end-of-the-war film about overcoming racism and fighting against...
You know the biggest drag about Satanism (aside from the whole eternal condemnation of your immortal soul...
Captive is a film that may please those who enjoy real-life stories mixed with a grittier-edge type...
Johnny Depp is back. At least that’s what everyone is saying. In some ways, it’s odd to...
What do you do when you’re hunted by the truth? In Beast, Jaime Gray (newcomer Chad McKinney)...