After over fifty years, Let It Be is back. Produced by Peter Jackson and directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg, the...
“I’m on a path.” “It’s good to be on a path.” Gad Elmaleh’s Stay with Us takes...
A lot more happened in 2021 than you likely know. How could you? It’s a big world....
Directed by Katerina Suvorova, Streets Loud with Echoes begins with the death of Denis Ten, the first ever Kazakhstani...
The current goal is to send people to Mars within the next decade. That is certainly an...
After nearly 50 years, Star Wars is finally exploring its dark side. With the release of Star Wars: Tales of...
A deck of cards is a regular item to many of us, something to guide us through...
Directed by Hamoody Jaafar, Rouge steps behind the walls of River Rouge high school and into the world of...
Jeanne Du Barry tells the story of Jeanne Becu (Maiwenn), the illegitimate daughter of an impoverished seamstress in...
For those who are not already aware, the reason that the internet is free is because the...