Everyone is searching for something – U2 told us so! But in Terrence Malick’s latest film, following?Tree...
In the universe where?Cloverfield?went down, Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) flees the city and her fiancee. Distracted by...
It is easy to miss the joys of life when we are in the midst of the...
Like Odysseus, Dory is on a journey to get home. The difference is that Odysseus knew where...
Alton (Jaeden Lieberher) is a special young man. He’s so special that several government organizations with a...
In?Gridlocked, David Hendrix (Dominic Purcell) gets the worst assignment ever: a community-service mandated ride along for party-happy...
“My childhood room is filled with trophies like these but I haven’t won a thing in my...
This week on the show, ScreamFish auteur Jason Norton and newbie Sue Banik join Steve to take...
In a world divided by race, religious credo, sexuality, politics, and more,?Zootopia?smacks us in the face with...
Does it seem odd that the fastest growing Jewish community in Europe is found in Berlin? When...