Gods of Egypt: Love Overcomes Death

It’s been awhile since Gerard Butler nailed his name to the blockbuster wall with?300. But in between making?Fallen?films about terrorists in the U.S. and London, he starred in the ensemble piece,?Gods of Egypt,?about the brotherly rivalry of the Egyptian gods Set (Butler) and Osiris (Bryan Brown), and the young passion of the human thief, Bek…

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X-Men Apocalypse: Just Let Go

The year of blockbusters continues as FOX offers?it’s latest franchise entry into the mix. Although technically a “Marvel” film, the X-Men have long been under the FOX umbrella (thus the reason no crossover with Avengers… yet). After 15 years of the X-men franchise–and depending on whether or not?you count Deadpool—X-Men: Apocalypse?is either the 8th or…

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