Solace: Lost in Your Own Head

Solace?was initially supposed to be a sequel to?Se7en but somewhere in development, it became a standalone thriller by director Afonso Poyart (commentary included). Here, Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s FBI Agent Merriweather and his partner Agent Cowles (Abbie Cornish) find themselves in too deep with a strange set of murders, so they turn to Merriweather’s old partner,…

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3.14 Losing LOGAN

This week on the show, Steve reconnects with Arnaldo Reyes and Peter Adourian to talk about purpose and hopeful death in James Mangold’s LOGAN. ?(We may even?answer the eternal question: Why Arnaldo doesn’t like Jackman’s Wolverine!) Want to continue to conversation at home? ?Click the link below to download ?Fishing for More? ? some small…

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