In The Prey, Chinese cop Xin (newcomer Gu Shangwei) is undercover on a secret mission when a surprise raid...
Who knew that this summer?s greatest superhero story would be David Arquette? Seriously, I didn?t see it...
Sequels are always incredibly difficult to create. After the incredible global success of?Train to Busan, South Korean...
?How do you become who you truly are?? Eva (Itasao Aran, who also co-wrote with director Jon?s...
Welcome to teenFish, a podcast series that lets teenagers speak about media that matters to them in...
Patrick James Lynch?s documentary Bombardier Blood is the latest documentary to wow us with the barriers that...
Towards the end of Rebuilding Paradise, we see a group of California high schoolers taking up a...
“All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man to lunacy. That’s how far...
?I think he?s a fantastic politician? but I don?t think fantastic politician is a compliment either.? ? Rene...
Can 1,100 high school senior boys form an efficient state government? Each summer, the American Legion sponsors...