Senior Moment tells the story of Victor Martin (William Shatner), a retired NASA test pilot who constantly wants...
They?ve called her Crazy and said that her life is a Circus. Now, the new documentary Framing...
Everybody wants to believe in unicorns. These fabled creatures are majestic to see on paper. With every...
Life is complicated. That may seem like the understatement of the year, but hey, when it?s true,...
When it is time to award the best in films each year, the Academy of Motion Pictures...
Someone once asked what it profits a person if they gain the whole world but lose their...
When it is time to award the best in films each year, the Academy of Motion Pictures...
When it is time to award the best in films each year, the Academy of Motion Pictures...
Roald Amundsen is probably best known as the polar explorer who beat Robert Scott to the South...
What?s your greatest wish? Whether it?s world peace, romance or even just ?more wishes?, everyone has something...