GIVEAWAY!: Advanced Screening of CIVIL WAR!

Thanks to our friends at Elevation Pictures and The TARO Group, we’re giving away 5 double passes to the advance screening of Civil War starring Kirsten Dunst in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary & Ottawa! TORONTOWednesday, April 10th at 6:30 PMScotiabank Theatre (IMAX) VANCOUVERWednesday, April 10th at 7:00 PMScotiabank Theatre (AVX) CALGARYWednesday, April 10th at 7:00 PMChinook…

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Transition: Seen How You Feel

In Transition, Australian filmmaker and journalist Jordan Bryon gives the world an entirely different view of the Taliban regime during the fall of Afghanistan. Having gained incredible access to a Taliban unit, Bryon and his videographer, Teddy, give an authentic view of life under their oppressive regime. However, at the same time, Bryon’s journey with the military…

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Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire – Life in Transition

Ghostbusters is going through a transition. And that’s not entirely a bad thing.  When Jason Reitman first decided to revive his father‘s legacy with the Ghostbusters franchise, the initial outing was enjoyable but drenched in nostalgia. Returning characters, long glances at PKE Meters and Proton Packs and even reusing the original’s final act all added up to a…

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William Shatner: You Can Call Me Bill – The Man Behind the Mask

What comes to mind when you hear the name, William Shatner? Comedian? Grandfather? Scoundrel? Star? (Or simply Star Trek?)  Directed by Alexandre Philippe, William Shatner: You Can Call Me Bill is an intimate portrayal (maybe) of Shatner’s life and career. Having been a performer for over 70 years, Shatner’s career has boldly gone from space (Star Trek) to…

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