Directed by Peter Berg (known for a handful of other Mark Wahlberg movies such as Deep Water...
Julie Levac
Hotel Transylvania brought us the story of a safe space for all monsters, a touching father/daughter relationship,...
To?stream audio of my interview with Jessie Buckley and Michael Pearce, click here. Director Michael Pearce brings...
Set in a world of motorcycle gangs, violence and crime, 1% brings us a character driven tale...
It would be an understatement to say that Ryan, Sasha, Lisa, and Dina were as close as...
Recently, Steve Norton and I were lucky enough to attend an advance screening of The Big Sick...
In the 1950s, a group of young Mexican-American men joined forces to make doo-wop music in hopes...
War Machine?is the newest Netflix original film from director David Michod, starring Brad Pitt, Topher Grace, Emory...