Based off true events,?The Happiest Man in the World?starts off from the perspective of Asja (Jelena Kordic...
Jason Thai
Directed by the talented Indigenous director Marie Clements, Bones of Crows follows the epic and horrid journey...
After 13 long years, there is finally another addition to the Orphan cinematic universe. Set just months before the...
Set in 1993, My Old School tells the story of Brandon Lee, a 17-year-old fifth year Canadian who became...
Jordan Peele has come to dominate the comedic horror genre.? Bursting out of the gate with Get Out and Us,...
Set in a suburban town in Colorado back in 1978, The Black Phone begins as five children...
Have you ever had regrets in your life or made decisions that you wish you could?ve done...
Like the siren announcing the arrival of an?Ambulance, Michael Bay likes to make some noise. Ambulance tells the...
Inbetween Girl tells the story of Angie Chen, an American teenage girl dealing with the typical dramas...
The sequel to 2017?s disastrous Suicide Squad, James Gunn?s soft-reboot The Suicide Squad also tells the story of a ragtag...