On the one hand, [the film] shares information for a medical treatment that could provide great benefit...
Darrel Manson
The YA feel of the film comes from the themes that seem to crop up in adolescent...
The opening credits point out that the film is ?based on characters from Lewis Carroll? rather than...
In the streets of Mariupol, Ukraine, abandoned and orphaned children face a life of addiction and abuse....
Manhattan Night is a trip back into the feel of classic noir. This film has the hard-nosed,...
The Measure of a Man received Special Mention from the Ecumenical Jury at Cannes a year ago...
Jesus (Ewan McGregor) is wandering through the desert feeling out of touch with God. Satan (also played...
Before the screening I attended of Captain America: Civil War the screen was filled with a message...
We have veterans right now who are struggling?struggling?and how much is the church becoming a part of...
As the Newport Beach Film Festival comes to an end, I need to give kudos to the...