While the film is designed as an action-thriller (and works moderately well as such), it may better...
Darrel Manson
Heroism. Patriotism. Futility. Is it possible to celebrate the two virtues and still recognize that sometimes the...
Finally, the film is about wonder and faith. When Meacham tells Grace the non-tall tale version of...
One session at the recent Variety PURPOSE Family Entertainment and Faith-Based Summit featured some of the faith-based...
In this country it?s not our politicians that have changed our society, it?s Hollywood that?s changed our...
Yorgos Lanthimos (previous film: Dogtooth) brings us films that have very strange settings and allows us to...
What does it mean to be a good parent? Is it doing what you can so the...
Hollywood Beauty Salon is not about hairstyles of the rich and famous. There is no celebrity dishing....
We may not really be used to a film that doesn?t revel in the crisis of conflict....
Reagan era drug wars are the setting for The Infiltrator. Based on a true story, Federal agent...