Can a photo reframe history? Directed by Jennifer Takaki, Photographic Justice: the Corky Lee Story chronicles the 50-year journey...
Year: 2024
This documentary will make you nauseous. Robert Kenner and Melissa Robledo are back with a sequel to...
Set in 1987, Before I Change My Mind follows Robin (Vaughan Murrae), a youth who moves to Alberta with...
Directed by Louise Archambault, Irena’s Vow tells the amazing true story of Irena Gut Opdyke (Sophie Nelisse),...
Sasquatch Sunset comes from the Zellner brothers whose most recent project was The Curse (from Nathan Fielder),...
Spy x Family Code: White is a movie set within the television series, Spy x Family. The...
”WE EXIST!” In the 1990s, the Cabrini-Green housing project in Chicago became a symbol of urban decay...
Alex Garland is fighting a new battle. In the past, Garland has tackled such topics as the...
People living with mental illness, may often feel isolated. In On the Adamant, from documentarian Nicolas Philibert,...
John Krasinski is Jack Ryan. Not literally, of course. (Although I guess I don’t know what he does in...