Riff Raff, directed by Dito Montiel, offers a darkly comedic exploration of family dynamics, loyalty, and the...
Year: 2024
Huang Xi’s Daughter’s Daughter is a profound exploration of familial duty, personal redemption, and the ethical dilemmas posed by...
Directed by Angelina Jolie, Without Blood is a potent exploration of the lasting scars left by war...
Storytelling is a lightning rod for controversy. Within the stories we tell, there is always a storyteller...
Dead Mail, directed by Joe DeBoer and Kyle McConaghy, is a standout retro-thriller that delves deep into...
John Hsu’s Dead Talents Society is a gleefully dark, supernatural comedy that invites viewers into a whimsical afterlife where...
This is Henry Golding like you’ve never seen him. In Nacho Vigalondo’s second TIFF feature (Colossal, TIFF...
Directed by Mohammad Rasoulof, The Seed of the Sacred Fig tells the story of Iman (Misagh Zare), a middle-class...
I am not gonna lie. I hate musicals. The only two that I have ever enjoyed was...
Directed by Ali Weinstein, Your Tomorrow takes pause to celebrate the land that once was Ontario Place. Opening in...