Directed by Edward Berger, Conclave begins as the Pope unexpectedly dies. As Cardinals from around the world hurry to...
Day: September 12, 2024
Directed by Fleur Fortuné,The Assessment offers a stark and thought-provoking exploration of control, autonomy, and the ethics...
Starring breakout lead Nyikka Adams, Bird tells the story of Bailey, a 12-year-old girl growing up in...
Written and directed by Sean Baker, Anora tells the story of Ani (Mikey Madison), a sex worker from Brooklyn...
Heretic introduces us to Sister Paxton and Sister Barnes (Chloe East and Sophie Thatcher), two young Mormons who...
Really Happy Someday tells the story of Z (Breton Lalama), a rising star in Toronto’s musical-theatre scene. However,...
Ashish is lost. Depressed, apathetic and harbouring ocean levels of resentment, his mind is haunted by the...
This is the most beautiful portrayal of motherhood I have ever seen. Mother (Amy Adams) is a...
In The End, the earth is finally (mostly) unliveable, and our main characters- a wealthy family of three...
“I’m the best.” Like so many other statements that we make, referring to ourselves as ‘the best’...