Lucy in the Sky tells the story of Lucy Cola, an astronaut who returns home to Earth after...
Month: September 2019
Based on true events, Just Mercy tells the story of Walter ?Johnny D? McMillian (Jamie Foxx), a...
What Death Leaves Behind showed up in my inbox, a strange indie horror/thriller that I’d never heard...
Written and directed by Atom Egoyan,?Guest of Honour is an ambitious, thought-provoking and, at times, muddled exploration...
Based on the true story, Ford v. Ferrari takes us back to the year 1966 when the Ford Motor...
Based on the Esquire article of the same name, The Friend recounts the real-life journey of Matthew Teague...
What can we learn from the generations coming up after us? Dr. Rick Stevenson shares what he...
Starring Jennifer Lopez and Constance Wu, Hustlersgives the audience an inside look at highs and lows of the...
Starring Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe, The Lighthousevfollows the journey of Winslow (Pattinson) and Wake (Dafoe), two lighthouse...
??ou got a lot of words, but you don?t say nothing. You gotta learn to listen before...