In the Season 3 premiere of the Your Sunday Drive podcast, we talk about the mass of issues related to the events at the Capitol in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021.
Protesting vs. rioting. Similarities and differences to BLM. Trump’s culpability. The role of Christian nationalism. Cancel culture, deplatforming and free speech. The continued siloing of media and cultural echo chambers. Is there a “third way” and what’s the role of Christian faith?
Then we change gears to discuss current favorite TV shows, Cobra Kai in particular, and why engaging pop culture at a time such as ours may be vitally important.
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Come along for Your Sunday Drive – quick conversation about current events, politics, pop culture and more, from the perspective of a couple of guys trying to follow Jesus.
Hosts: Matt Hill and Nate Polzin. Presented by the Church in Drive of Saginaw, MI, as often as possible. Please visit churchindrive.com and facebook.com/thechurchindrive