A recent controversial article about sex gets pulled from The Gospel Coalition… Why is it that talking about this topic can be so difficult for the church?
In this episode of the Your Sunday Drive podcast, we take an in-depth look at the article “Sex Won’t Save You (But It Points to the One Who Will)” by Josh Butler, and then use it as a springboard to discuss touchy topics surrounding sex and a Christian view of sex in general.
We also dig into some recent pop culture faves: Minecraft, Hogwarts Legacy and HBO’s The Last of Us.
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Come along for Your Sunday Drive – quick conversation about current events, politics, pop culture and more, from the perspective of a couple of guys trying to follow Jesus.
Hosts: Matt Hill and Nate Polzin. Presented by the Church in Drive of Saginaw, MI, as often as possible. Please visit churchindrive.com and facebook.com/thechurchindrive