Batman – Gotham by Gaslight: Jack the Ripper?

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight?takes Brian Augustyn and Mike Mignola’s story of the same name, unofficially the first DC Elseworlds story printed, and transforms it into an R-rated animated feature film that pits Batman against Jack the Ripper. With Bruce Greenwood as Batman/Bruce Wayne and Jennifer Carpenter as Selina Kyle, the film dynamically spins a story…

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Game of Thrones – Season 7: Divided We Stand?

Winter has come. In the seventh season of HBO’s?Game of Thrones, which may be the most addictive television show of all time (at least, since?Lost), the separate worlds held apart by power, water, and dragons finally crash together in an explosive penultimate season in George R.R. Martin’s wickedly created series. Now available on Blu-ray, DVD,…

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The Miracle Worker: Real Change Matters #TBT

One of my earliest cinematic memories is watching?The Miracle Worker?at school. In fact, we watched it for multiple years, to the disgust of my friends, while I found myself captivated by the determined insistence of Annie Sullivan to help Helen Keller learn to communicate. There was beauty there, back in the black and white narrative…

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