January 28, 2025

7 thoughts on “On Starbucks, Hollywood, & “Defending The Faith”

  1. And for those of us who do not patronize Starbucks, we are left in the dark. Someone has to tell us what color their cups are and what we should think about the color red. Take it all in my brothers and sisters but discern for yourselves what is right and what is wrong.

    1. I like the color of the cups, but the social media mob mentality has, I fear, served to place Christians (in general) as folks who react first and deal with the repercussions of their actions later (if at all). Too much more of this and the word ‘irrelevant’ will start to come into play.

    2. It is the minority wagging the majority around in the news. I just find it ridiculous how many people are quick to jump to “defending the church” or “defending Jesus” when it has nothing to do with anything. An online rant leads to a CNN appearance over the design of Starbucks cups? We’re more concerned with attention grabbing than in representing our beliefs sometimes, methinks.

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