March 3, 2025

25 thoughts on “Justice League: Finding Hope in the Darkness

  1. They already got Batman Superman and Wonder Woman right. Flash has been done on TV and was amazing in JL. Aquaman is a whole new level of badass but you also see a different side of him lmao. Cyborg was near perfect for his character.

    I don’t get these posts.

    Flop? How it was amazing I loved it. Winner for me and many millions of fans. Not a fan. Flop on out of our way we don’t need to have your bullshit in our lives.

  2. In the call to ?Just get over it,? I prefer Paul?s verbiage: ?Forgetting those things which are behind and pressing forth towards what?s in front of me.? THAT was all over this film.

    I liked it very much. Whedon obviously trimmed Snyder?s ?fat? from this movie and it shows. If they give him the sequel, it oughta be fun. 7.5 out of 10 to me.

    1. If only Batman delivered that message as eloquently as Paul did. He basically told them to get over it while he himself also had to get over it. 😉

    1. I would agree that most of the negativity isn’t deserved. The RT score is definitely wrong. I wouldn’t go as far as calling the movie great, but each person has their own take and that’s OK. To me, the flaws in the film made it just good, which for characters this big isn’t good enough. But I’m glad you enjoyed and I think if Whedon takes over for JL2 it will be much greater.

    1. Batman vs superman.The government(el presidente) wanted fatty Affleck to take down superman cus he was ‘out of control’ (been an anarchist)?
      Thats like working for trump
      ; )

      HaHa HAHA HaHa

    1. I wasn’t insulting you. Just makes sense you are gay by the way you post. I read a study once and it I believe holds truth here.

      Do what you want man. If he is gay good for him I don’t see the point in even bringing it up but for you its a focus point… why is that?

      Did you see the movie or is his gayness stopping you… were you sexually assaulted by a man at one point or do you have feelings for men that you keep tucked away. . I don’t know but something is up.

    2. Lmfao nice trick homie but that shit only works on guys in the closet! You are obviously gay trying to see how I’d react to it! You just talkin tough because you know we’ll never meet! Everybody knows white guys are one foot in & one foot out already anyway! The way the world is now if you gay be gay, you’d probably look better as a woman dude! Me on my end, left, right, left, right…. stomp until you’re unconscious! Now go ahead & talk shit in your sleep, fuck off Elton John!

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