“What do two crooks know about raising a family?” A Thousand and One, written and directed by...
Darrel Manson
Sometimes filmmaking takes on filmmaking, giving us a look at a little bit of what goes into...
“What’s worse than being invisible is being seen as disposable.” Raising a child as a single mother...
“We’re stuck in a limbo…, broken in half.” In Carlos Amaral’s Infinite Sea, we find ourselves in...
?You are a very sad person.? Davy Chou?s film Return to Seoul is a searching for identity...
?Hope dies last.? The Oscar?-nominated documentary A House Made of Splinters, directed by Simon Lereng Wilmont, takes...
?Days like this, I miss Siberia.? A new phone becomes the catalyst for an older man to...
?You?re never haunted by just one ghost.? Northern Shade, first feature from writer/director Christopher Rucinski, is a...
Each year there are Oscars? awarded in three categories of short films: Live Action Shorts, Animated Shorts,...
Once upon a time films were about an hour and a half. Now blockbusters may be over...