Making Time focuses on multiple people who are involved in the world of watches and time. As...
Daniel Eng
Unfortunately, a lot of this film’s ambitions were too high. Likely hoping to have an indie-action phenomenon...
Past Lives is the directorial debut of Korean-Canadian writer Celine Song that follows an autobiographical story of...
Jane stars Madeline Petsch (Riverdale) and Chloe Bailey (Swarm) as two friends who attempt to deal with...
The Artifice Girl is another notable entry into the pantheon of ever-evolving, low budget sci-fi that squares...
Is this a rare mid-budget movie or just a low budget blockbuster? Based on the internationally-beloved anime,...
A deeply Canadian tale that comes from one of the most ambitious Canadians to never leave Waterloo,...
In the wake of the pandemic, one of America’s most influential food writers, Ruth Reichel, starts to...
Who’s Afraid of Nathan Law is one of many films that have documented the tyranny of China in...
At first, she became obsessed with the teen counter culture that was thriving in New York and...