Uproar chronicles Josh’s adventure to establish an identity for himself, which goes against the values of his...
Daniel Eng
Nyad is the feature directorial debut of Oscar-winning documentary duo, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin (The...
The new documentary, Summer Qamp, takes a look at Camp Fyrefly, a camp in southern Alberta that...
Ellen Burstyn sits on her sofa and refuses to move. That’s it. This is the absurd little...
Ava DuVernay’s return to feature film sees merge her urgent artistic voice and the social issues that...
In many ways, Asteroid City feels like a direct clapback to the A.I generated still-life of Wes...
Fresh out of prison, wandering English archaeologist Arthur reconnects with his wayward grave-robber group who live off...
Seeking escape and adventure, two friends find their travels stumped by a lack of funds and prospects....
What happens if you take the Broadway musical–what has often been considered America’s most wholesome and charming...
In a natural evolution from his Oscar-nominated feature Les Miserables (not the musical), Mali born French auteur...