How can Christians “keep it real” and avoid the “Christian crazy?”
In this episode of the Your Sunday Drive podcast, we try to discover what it means to have an authentic faith in these times, welcoming our second-ever guest, Stuart Delony, host of the Snarky Faith radio show and podcast.
Stuart tells us about his faith journey, we discuss some of the unfortunate ways Christians are currently seen in our culture and how we might temper that, as well as “Snarky faith” and why it’s important to have.
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Come along for Your Sunday Drive – quick conversation about current events, politics, pop culture and more, from the perspective of a couple of guys trying to follow Jesus.
Hosts: Matt Hill and Nate Polzin. Presented by the Church in Drive of Saginaw, MI, as often as possible. Please visit churchindrive.com and facebook.com/thechurchindrive