March 8, 2025

14 thoughts on “Captain America Civil War: Friendship vs Vengeance (SPOILERS)

  1. I disagree it was a deeper story but I agree that Black Panther was powerful in his forgiveness.

  2. I enjoyed the movie but it is insanely overrated. I am finally getting Marvel fatigued.

  3. loved it, great movie! the story line sure it was basic but it made complete sense.. we all knew eventually they would want the heros to pay for the shit they caused, expecially after ultron.

  4. As soon as you’re using your appreciation of something as a springboard to hate something else, you’ve lost my respect. The first line of your post is a cheap shot at Batman V Superman. If that’s where you have to stoop to get attention on your site, I’m out. You don’t have to like BvS, but that doesn’t give you a warrant to be disrespectful. I won’t be coming back to your site.

    1. Not sure if you actually read the article, but in no way was it disrespectful or a cheap shot. Films are compared to other films all the time. It is inevitable. As I stated, with two films basically a month apart that carry the same premise of hero vs hero, it is inevitable that fans and critics will draw a comparaison. BvS was torched by critics and received a B- cinema score from fans (not a good score). Meanwhile this film is praised by critics and received an A cinema score from fans. So to add one line that summarizes why one was received well while the other was not isn’t being disrespectful to another film. It’s drawing an opinion on something that is an already fact, fans will compare the films, there is no way around it.

    2. I did read the article and I realize that you’re not consistently trashing BvS throughout it, but saying…

      “Where Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice fails Captain America: Civil War succeeds. The story is deeper, the conflict more believable, and no one stops fighting because of Martha!”

      … You’re doing three things. 1) telling us that you thought BvS failed, 2) you thought the story was shallow and the conflict not believable, and 3) making fun of an intimate part of the movie. You didn’t tell us the movie wasn’t well received by critics, you told us that you thought it was bad. At that point you’re not comparing, you’re taking a cheap shot. Those comments belong in a BvS review, not a Civil War one. It doesn’t deserve any more unwarranted hate than it’s already gotten. Just because you were only disrespectful towards the movie in two sentences doesn’t take away from the fact that you were disrespectful. Try and understand that just because you disliked the movie doesn’t mean that everyone else did too. I get that you don’t think you’re being disrespectful or taking a cheap shot. And I don’t think I’m going to convince you on Facebook. But that’s how it came across to me, so I’m not going to use your site (I’m sure you guys will be fine without me).

    3. Apologies that you felt and took a chance at humor that way. I thank you for a) taking the time to read the article and b) commenting and responding in constructive way. That is rarely seen on social media and the internet. If you ever want to check out other articles and avoid mine (Arnaldo Reyes), feel free to do so. Thank you again

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