Now streaming on Hollywood Suite, Wreck is a British comedy horror series from the BBC. The show...
Daniel Eng
As absurd as its title Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person tells the story of Sasha who,...
In this harrowing contemporary humanist drama, auteur Agnieszka Holland becomes the second Polish film of TIFF to...
A cleanly presented film, whose story will likely stir up both empathetic and artistic energies, Sing Sing...
Confidently directed by Lulu Wang, her follow-up to The Farewell received much critical acclaim out of Sundance...
Richard Linklater never fails and, more amazingly, continues to surprise. Even as he traverses genres, he always...
George C. Wolfe’s latest film, Rustin, shows that he finds scripts that give his generational talented actors...
In their follow-up to the first-ever film entirely animated in oil paintings, D.K Welchman and Hugh Welchman...
With Evil Does Not Exist, one can’t help but wonder if the title of Oscar Winning Director...
Memory, the first American drama from Mexican auteur Michel Franco tells a story of connection, loss, and...