Jon M. Chu’s highly anticipated adaptation of the beloved Broadway musical, Wicked has arrived and is absolutely...
Raevin Larue
Amrou Al-Kadhi’s debut feature film Layla, which premiered at the 2024 Reel Asian Film Festival, is a...
When Moana sailed into theatres in 2016, I was ecstatic. It felt like the big sister to...
Memoir of a Snail is a stop-motion film directed by Adam Elliot that tells a deeply sad...
This movie should have come with a trigger warning. In this painful drama, director Bachir Bensaddek and...
Directed by Frédéric Forestier, Open Season follows a Parisian family of four who decide to leave the...
Absolutey hilarious! Annie (Sabine Azéma) and Francois (André Dussollier) have been married for 50 years and they...
Now that Seeds is available for the world to see- I have more to say about this...
The last 15 years have been dominated by pissing contests between the ‘Big 3’ studios competing for...
This is not a bad movie in the slightest, and it's 100% a Joker origin story, just...