Did you see Joker? What did you think of it?
In this episode of the Your Sunday Drive podcast, we take a close look at the movie Joker and the zeitgeist surrounding it. Topics and questions include: Why the film is controversial; does it glamorize an evil character? is it a good film?; related fears of mass shootings; “incels” and if Joker is about them; does art reflect life or vice versa?; what role does the media play?; do artists share responsibility for the effects of their messages?; freedom of speech and “cancel culture;” Joker as a “Christ figure” and the longing for redemption in art.
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Come along for Your Sunday Drive – quick conversation about current events, politics, pop culture and more, from the perspective of a couple of guys trying to follow Jesus.
Hosts: Matt Hill and Nate Polzin. Presented by the Church in Drive of Saginaw, MI, as often as possible. Please visit churchindrive.com and facebook.com/thechurchindrive