Directed by Jake Paltrow, June Zero begins with the news that Adolf Eichmann has been sentenced to...
Three Promises, from Yousef Srouji, is the story of a family living through a very difficult situation—Palestine,...
The Israeli-Palestinian situation is obviously complex and often controversial. It has been an area of conflict for...
“My dad used to say that the beginning of liberation is to raise your flag. The highest...
Even before the current violence in Gaza, the history of Israeli-Palestinian interactions has been filled with violence...
“Undoubtedly, the tremendous forces of history will cause the leader to fail to change reality as he...
?The truth has its own power. . . . The power of the truth cannot be hidden,...
?We are responsible for the community we build and the stories we tell.? This is the tagline...
Welcome to the 2021 edition of AFI Fest. Last year, the festival was all done virtually. This...
The films I?ve chosen for today are very much focused on issues that touch the lives of...