Nimic – Short and Deep

We may not expect an Oscar nominated writer/directorto bring us a short film. But then we don?t often know what to expect from Yorgos Lanthimos (three nominations between The Lobster and The Favourite). Nimic is twelve minutes worth of the kind of surreal weirdness that makes Lanthimos?s films attractive to some (including me) and off-putting…

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Bloody Battle for the Self: 1on1 with Brandon Cronenberg (POSSESSOR)

Brandon Cronenberg is no stranger to a bloody mess. As the director of?Antiviral?and son of one of the pioneers of body horror films, Cronenberg is more than comfortable wading through rivers of blood in order to investigate deeper ideas about the human experience. As visceral as it is mesmerizing, Cronenberg’s latest film,?Possessor, is another violent…

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Scare Me – But with Humor

?You look like a fella who might be interested in scary stories.? Mary Shelley?s Gothic/proto-SciFi novel Frankenstein grew out of a contest between her, her future husband Percy Bysshe Shelley and their friend Lord Byron. The competition was to see who could write the best horror story. (I wonder if there is any record of…

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