More from Slamdance 2023

Here are a few more of the films currently playing at the Slamdance Film Festival. The festival will be available online January 23-29. You can find out how to see the films at Where the Road Leads, directed by Nina Ognjanovi?, comes to the festival from Serbia. The film opens with a young woman,…

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Martha: A Picture Story

In Selina Miles?s debut feature documentary, Martha: A Picture Story, we enter the world of street art through Martha Cooper, who has been documenting that field for more than forty years. Cooper was in many ways a trailblazer as a working woman photojournalist. Her early years in the business are covered only briefly. But when…

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American Masters: Andrew Wyeth

?He painted the soul, not just the image.? The PBS series American Masters is airing an episode focusing on the painter Andrew Wyeth. Wyeth was one of the 20th century?s most famous magical-realist painters. He had both popular and critical success. But the popular success also led to a time of critical rejection as abstract…

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